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Lowry Pressly - The Right to Oblivion
APAvar.: Lowry Pressly (2024). _The Right to Oblivion: Privacy and the Good Life_. Harvard University Press. Link: pages 3 - 4: > Contemporary debates over privacy re blinkered by an unreflective [...]

Zeitgeist notes
2023-06-08: **Primary task**: connections between the neoliberal, capitalist market system, the current nation states of the world, and isolated and melancholy individualism seem numerous, and worthy of some exposition. These notes are a start at [...]

David Byrne - The world is a song
APAvar.: David Byrne (2010). *Bicycle Diaries*. Penguin Books. Link: page 194: > I sense the world might be more dreamlike, metaphorical, and poetic than we currently believe—but just as [...]

hipsterelectron - Black Panthers and de-growth
From: d@nny mc² ¡¡¡¡THE BLACK PANTHERS WERE WAY WAY AHEAD OF FREE SOFTWARE!!!! this isn't "post-free software" this is pre-free: the prerequisite to freedom! this is about EMPOWERMENT and positive liberty not just [...]

A [Massive Wiki]( housing [[Bill Anderson]]'s (a.k.a. "band") past and current web and wiki experiments, assorted notes on readings, day-oriented journal and blog entries, and whatever else shows up. The wiki name is shared with [...]