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(Translated by Coleman Barks) This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they're a crowd of sorrows, [...]

APA: Uspenskiĭ, P. D. (2001). In search of the miraculous : fragments of an unknown teaching (New edition). Harcourt, Inc. Link: Page 38: quotation attributed to G.I. Gurdjieff: > There are periods in the [...]

APAvar: Warner, Marina (1995). *Six myths of our time : little angels, little monsters, beautiful beasts, and more*. Vintage. Link: Open access link: [...]

The following is copied from a September 2023 email exchange regarding what kind of wiki to use for local, community centered information. Massive Wiki is a good platform for this. [[Peter Kaminski]] provided some of the reasons why: 1. **Accessible** [...]

Everything we write will be used against us or against those we love. These are the terms, take them or leave them. Poetry never stood a chance of standing outside history. -Adrienne Rich, from "North American Time" Link: [...]