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Thanks Doug!

You are right, it is a challenging thing filled with contradictions yet, I think it might be possible to work toward coherence without control - a guiding principle of our work when I was on the development team at the World Cafe.

I recall reading a post by Humberto Maturana where he claimed that humans are essentially cooperative and collaborative - we had to be because the world was a dangerous place in which to raise children and so what got conserved (from a biological point of view) we behaviors that rewarded making the world safer to raise children up to be adults. However, he notes, at some point in our distant past we began to conserve pathological behaviors (probably around the time of the Ag Revolution when we got surpluses of food that led to settlements and storehouses of grain that needed guarding and the rise of nation-states etc.)

What would it look like if humans could shed these pathological behaviors and once again conserve behaviors that made the world a safe place in which to raise offspring to adulthood?

On Jun 16, 2021, at 8:27 AM, Douglass Carmichael wrote:

Ken writes What would it look like if we could source a bunch of these that would have the ability to wake different populations of people up and move them into a more coherent way of being that is congruent with creating a regenerative and ultimately thriving future for our species and the small planet we all share?”

The worry is that waking up different populations and getting to coherence  contradict each other.

It's like we need a new kind of social science that can deal with leadership, hierarchy, the nature of groups, belief, myth, humanity past the dunbar number.  I like Bruno Latour’s  managing the critical zone, the narrow band of life and air that cover the earth at a thickness less that the skin on an apple and within which all known life in the universe is present. . Bt most social thinkers  imply that if we do better there will be no losers. This just might be impossible.  If so how to continue a public presence?

On Jun 16, 2021, at 8:08 AM, Ken Homer wrote:

What would it look like if we could source a bunch of these that would have the ability to wake different populations of people up and move them into a more coherent way of being that is congruent with creating a regenerative and ultimately thriving future for our species and the small planet we all share?

OGM Belonging and Big Narrative

From Klaus Mager Thu, Jun 17, 2021 at 1205 AM

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